Is there color printing available?

As of Spring 2019, the Engman Lab now has a color laser printer. Depending on the actual usage and cost of supplies for this printer this service may not be permanent. Printing to the color printer is around 5 to 10 times as expensive as printing to the black & white printers. As such, each color page sent to the color printer will reduce your print quota for the semester by 10 pages, and each black & white page will reduce your quota by 5 pages.

In order to prevent unintended or accidental color printing, access to this printer is granted using a security group. If you wish to use the color printer please contact the Help Desk in the CADE or Engman Labs and request access to the group. Once granted access please take care that you send print jobs to the correct printer to avoid accidentally printing in color when it is not intended.

How do I create a CADE account?

To create a CADE account, follow the steps at

You do not need to register your UCard for access to the labs as anyone with a current UCard may enter the lab.

The username and password for this account is the same for ALL Price College of Engineering computer lab computers (Windows, Linux, and macOS labs).

If you forget your username and/or password, or wish to reset it, you can do so from the same User Tools Link. This link can also be found under Quick Links, PCE User Tools – Password Reset.

How do i share a folder or files with another user or group?

Once logged in to a linux machine, open a Terminal and you’ll issue a few commands. By default, you start in your home directory (/home/username) and it may appear with a prompt to the left of the cursor indicating that (a user’s ‘home’ may be represented by the ‘~’ char).
If you don’t have a directory to share, create one with something like:

[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ mkdir TeamSamba

The directory inherits the default permissions, in this case rwx (read-write-execute for the owner, your username; read-execute for group; read-execute for everyone/all users:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxr-xr-x 2 warthogs csugrad 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

To verify the groupname for setting the directory permissions, find out which groups you’re a member of:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ groups
csugrad telerobotics mediashare src cs6090 cei manu

And assign one to the directory:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ chgrp telerobotics TeamSamba
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxr-xr-x 2 warthogs telerobotics 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

Finally, set the permissions so the group can write files, but no other users can see in the directory:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ chmod 2770 TeamSamba/
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxrws— 2 warthogs telerobotics 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

See ‘man chmod’ or ‘man chgrp’ for syntax details and more information.

Which username/password should i use for [insert service name]?

We have {finally} evolved to where each user has ONE username and ONE password for all PCE/CADE machines and services. We may refer to your CADE or PCE username and password. This is separate from your CIS/uNID and it’s password, but we may ask you to use those for authentication, such as when creating your account or changing your password.

Accounts created prior to ~May of 2017, CADE/PCE username is some combination of letters from your names (First, Middle(s), & Last) and generated by an algorithm. For all newer accounts, the username is your uNID (formatted as a lower-case ‘u’ and 7 digits). Once created, we don’t change them except in rare circumstances.

Your CADE/PCE account is used for:
• logging in to any Linux, macOS, or Windows computer on our Domain (USERS\ or, including lab machines, Terminal Servers, VDI hosts, or other Virtual Machines.
• connecting/mounting a Network File Share with CIFS/SMB.
• WebPrint and any PaperCut printing services.
• mounting a Network File Share with NFS.

Note: Your CADE/PCE username and passwords are 100% separate and in addition to your CIS or other campus logins and accounts. Some departments may have labs or computers that require specific logins.

Chrome won’t start on Windows machines, what can i do?

We’re aware of a bug with Google Chrome on our Windows OS lab machines and there’s a simple script to fix the issue for you.

Open Explorer, navigate to ‘C:\support’ and double click the “Fix – Google Chrome Won’t Start.cmd” script.

As always, let us know if any issues or if this doesn’t resolve the problem for you,

What if I am locked out of my account?

Perhaps you have entered your password incorrectly too many times logging in to one of our Windows machines or Active Directory controlled services (Lab, mounting network shares, etc.) or are getting the following error:

“The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.”

We can unlock your account but it’s only secure if you come ask us in person. It’s difficult to verify identity through e-mail, phone, etc. You may, however, remove the lock by resetting your password via the PCE User Tools page available in the right column of our home page.

If this does not work for your situation, stop in to see the Help Desk in WEB 210 or 224 or e-mail

Lost and Found

Lost something? Hoping it was turned in?

There are Lost & Found boxes near the Help Desks in CADE and the Engman Labs. We will no longer be receiving items, but suggesting finders place all items in the marked boxes/tables in front of the offices.

If it didn’t get turned in to us, you might check with the PCE Dean’s Office lost and found (WEB 1650) in case the custodians found it and turned it in there.

Otherwise, send an e-mail to and let us know what was lost and we’ll let you know if we’ve seen it.

What are the operating hours of the computing labs?

The student computing labs we support are generally open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Some labs, or portions thereof, are reserved for classes and should not be used by those not in the specific course during that time.

On occasion, we experience outages to network, server equipment, or even power. In the unlikely event, we make every effort to restore service as quickly as possible for all users, and will post status as soon as possible. We also reserve the right to withhold access to specific labs or services due to planned outages for upgrades, maintenance, and the like.

Be sure to subscribe to announcement method that works best for you.

Can I get a student version of SolidWorks for my home computer/laptop?

SolidWorks 2024-25 is currently available for student and department installations. The version of SolidWorks available is tied to the academic calendar and new versions are typically made available to us during summer semester. After testing, we upgrade the labs in preparation for fall semester.

There are two editions of SolidWorks available, each is intended for a specific use:

The Student Premium Edition is the full version that matches the version installed in our labs feature for feature, however its license allows it to be installed on student laptops or home computers and activates directly with SolidWorks over the internet. The activation is valid for 1 year, at which point you will need to install the new version for the new academic year to continue using SolidWorks. Most students will want to install this edition of SolidWorks.

The Education Edition is intended to be installed on College of Engineering department desktops. It requires access to CADE’s network license server in order to run. So, while it can be installed on home computers, doing so requires either an active connection to the Campus VPN, or a monthly license borrowing procedure in order for the licensing to work properly. This is typically NOT the edition you want if you are installing SolidWorks on a laptop or home computer.


Installation instructions for both editions can be obtained by accessing the Solidworks folder in CADE’s UBox repository.
Log in with your CIS credentials (UNID & CIS/UMail password). If you’ve not created your UBox account, do so first.

Note:  Solidworks is a MS Windows-only program and will NOT run on (Mac) OS X or Linux distros.  One could, however, use a Windows virtual machine or emulator to run it (VirtualBox, VMWare Player/Fusion, Parallels, CrossOver, VirtaulPC, etc.)

I deleted a file I want back – Do you have backups or snapshots available?


Snapshots of users’ home directories are taken every hour. You can access up to 23 hourly, 6 nightly, and 52 weekly snapshots of your entire home directory in the ~/.snapshot directory. Alternatively, from any subdirectory, you can go directly to .snapshot, then the timed directory you prefer.

Note: Older backups (beyond the first weekly) are available in /backup/username/.snapshot. They are moved to a different drive space to ensure their availability.

Restoring an older version of a file is as easy as copying it from a location in .snapshot to your home directory proper. You can do this graphically (with Nautilus, for example) or with the cp command.  ‘.snapshot’ is hidden (notice the preceding ‘ . ‘).  Try:  cd ~/.snapshot  from a Terminal.

Many of the hosted network shares (for departments and research groups) are also snapshotted. As above, cd to the .snapshot directory.