FAQ – General Tips

General Tips

How do i share a folder or files with another user or group?

Once logged in to a linux machine, open a Terminal and you’ll issue a few commands. By default, you start in your home directory (/home/username) and it may appear with a prompt to the left of the cursor indicating that (a user’s ‘home’ may be represented by the ‘~’ char).
If you don’t have a directory to share, create one with something like:

[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ mkdir TeamSamba

The directory inherits the default permissions, in this case rwx (read-write-execute for the owner, your username; read-execute for group; read-execute for everyone/all users:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxr-xr-x 2 warthogs csugrad 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

To verify the groupname for setting the directory permissions, find out which groups you’re a member of:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ groups
csugrad telerobotics mediashare src cs6090 cei manu

And assign one to the directory:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ chgrp telerobotics TeamSamba
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxr-xr-x 2 warthogs telerobotics 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

Finally, set the permissions so the group can write files, but no other users can see in the directory:
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ chmod 2770 TeamSamba/
[warthogs@lab1-23 ~]$ ls -ld TeamSamba/
drwxrws— 2 warthogs telerobotics 4096 Oct 9 12:47 TeamSamba/

See ‘man chmod’ or ‘man chgrp’ for syntax details and more information.


Connecting to PCE via the Campus VPN

For remote access to most CADE/PCE IT services or systems, you need to use the Campus VPN (Virtual Private Network) with a valid uNID.

NOTE: If you are not associated with the John and Marcia Price College of Engineering, this is NOT FOR YOU.

1. Verify you know your CIS credentials and have Two-Factor Authentication (Duo) setup and that your Duo device is available. You will also need the Duo App on your smartphone or mobile device as campus requires 2 Factor Authentication(2FA) for VPN service.

* * * STUDENTS * * *
Before reading further, go ahead and opt IN to ‘Duo Security’, the U’s two-factor authentication (2FA) service. Log in to CIS and select the Duo 2FA Management tile to turn it on, or try here:

2. Download the VPN client, GlobalProtect and connect to vpn.utah.edu. See full details and info here: it.utah.edu/vpn

3. Enter your uNID and CIS password in the ‘password’ field.
For the ‘second password’, enter ‘push’ and you’ll receive the Duo prompt for approval (similar to the ‘Send Me A Push’ used in web apps). Alternatively, open the Duo App on your device and generate the ‘second password’ by clicking on the UofU banner/down-arrow- enter the 6-digit #.

Further information and instructions for support can be found at https://uofu.service-now.com/UIT/VPN KnowledgeBase Article and the https://uofu.service-now.com/UIT/DUO 2FA KnowledgeBase Article


How to I create my [CADE/PCE/Engineering] website?

With a CADE account, you can create a personal web page/site hosted from your home directory and viewable at www.eng.utah.edu/~username.

To get started, log in to a CADE Linux, Mac OS or Windows machine (or access it remotely) and create a directory named public_html (or .public_html, either works fine) in your home directory (/home/username/). Place any site files (php, html, etc.) or any file you want accessible via your web page for download in that directory.

See the other FAQ’s on permissions and services for more details on those.


How do I create a CADE account?

To create a CADE account, follow the steps at https://usertools.eng.utah.edu

You do not need to register your UCard for access to the labs as anyone with a current UCard may enter the lab.

The username and password for this account is the same for ALL Price College of Engineering computer lab computers (Windows, Linux, and macOS labs).

If you forget your username and/or password, or wish to reset it, you can do so from the same User Tools Link. This link can also be found under Quick Links, PCE User Tools – Password Reset.


Is SolidWorks available for download for research or department computers?

SolidWorks 2024-25 is currently available for student and department installations. The version of SolidWorks available is tied to the academic calendar and new versions are typically made available to us during summer semester. After testing, we upgrade the labs in preparation for fall semester.

There are two editions of SolidWorks available, each is intended for a specific use:

The Student Premium Edition is the full version that matches the version installed in our labs feature for feature, however its license allows it to be installed on student laptops or home computers and activates directly with SolidWorks over the internet. The activation is valid for 1 year, at which point you will need to install the new version for the new academic year to continue using SolidWorks. Most students will want to install this edition of SolidWorks.

The Education Edition is intended to be installed on College of Engineering department desktops. It requires access to CADE’s network license server in order to run. So, while it can be installed on home computers, doing so requires either an active connection to the Campus VPN, or a monthly license borrowing procedure in order for the licensing to work properly. This is typically NOT the edition you want if you are installing SolidWorks on a laptop or home computer.


Installation instructions for both editions can be obtained by accessing the Solidworks folder in CADE’s U.Box repository.
Log in with your CIS credentials (UNID & CIS/UMail password). If you’ve not created your U.Box account, do so first.

Note:  Solidworks is a MS Windows-only program and will NOT run on macOS or Linux distros.  One could, however, use a Windows virtual machine or emulator to run it (VirtualBox, VMWare Player/Fusion, Parallels, CrossOver, VirtaulPC, etc.)


Which username/password should i use for [insert service name]?

We have {finally} evolved to where each user has ONE username and ONE password for all PCE/CADE machines and services. We may refer to your CADE or PCE username and password. This is separate from your CIS/uNID and it’s password, but we may ask you to use those for authentication, such as when creating your account or changing your password.

Accounts created prior to ~May of 2017, CADE/PCE username is some combination of letters from your names (First, Middle(s), & Last) and generated by an algorithm. For all newer accounts, the username is your uNID (formatted as a lower-case ‘u’ and 7 digits). Once created, we don’t change them except in rare circumstances.

Your CADE/PCE account is used for:
• logging in to any Linux, macOS, or Windows computer on our Domain (USERS\ or users.coe.utah.edu), including lab machines, Terminal Servers, VDI hosts, or other Virtual Machines.
• connecting/mounting a Network File Share with CIFS/SMB.
• WebPrint and any PaperCut printing services.
• mounting a Network File Share with NFS.

Note: Your CADE/PCE username and passwords are 100% separate and in addition to your CIS or other campus logins and accounts. Some departments may have labs or computers that require specific logins.


Back-up of home directories

‘Home directories’ are anything within the share /home. We provide hourly(23), daily(6) and weekly(2) snapshots (located at ~/.snapshots or via Windows property tab).

We also provide 2 years (104 weekly snapshots) of /home backups. These can be found under /backup/$USERNAME/.snapshot. These are located on a slower server, so be patient.


Backup for Departments and Research Groups

For all PCE Departments and Research Groups with a file share/shared drive space, we will be maintaining the following schedule for backups:

– Incremental snapshots kept for 23 hours, 6 nights and 1 week before recycling (located at FileShare:$PATH/.snapshots or via Windows property tab).
– Incremental nightly tape backups kept for 13 weeks before recycling.
– Full backups to tape run 4 times/year (each 13 weeks) and recycled each year.


Where can I download Matlab?

If you haven’t already done so, after reading the description and deciding which license applies to your situation, you’ll need to purchase Matlab from OSL here: http://software.utah.edu/news/mathworks.php (click the ‘Shop For Software’ button)

For students and single-machine installs, you should see the following link on your receipt or e-mail from software@utah.edu describing the process to download and install Matlab: Instructions for Single User Licenses

OSL also has a full FAQ page dedicated to the new campus license for MathWorks software: http://software.utah.edu/faq/license/mwc/


What is my disk quota?

8 GB

Your quota refers to how much storage one has on our servers. This includes anything saved while working in the CADE Lab (Linux), the MGK Mac Lab (macOS) or any of the Windows labs.  The quota applies to anything within /home (ie, /home/username, as well as course directories, websites, SVN, etc.).  Most machines have a ‘scratch disk’, or free space, that does NOT apply towards your quota.

On the CADE Linux machines, there are numerous additional storage locations. Take a look at our FAQ: CADE Temporary Storage


What is my CADE/PCE e-mail address?

This answer could be made somewhat complicated, but the easy answer is:

For instance if your username at the CADE is:  bclinton

and your department is Mechanical Engineering, you email address could also be:

This is separate from your UMail account (UNID@utah.edu, or whatever alias you set via UNID-Tools).  Some departments are set to use UMail for their @dept.utah.edu address.  Inquire within.


How do I go about reserving one of the labs?

We have a lab reservation form available on the CADE homepage.

See the reservation form for up to date details on each lab space, and the maps for where they’re located.


What is ‘handin’ and how do i use it to turn in my assignment?

‘handin’ is a utility for turning in assignments to a course directory (/home/’course#’/handin/’Assignment’/username). Once turned in, the course professor/instructor or TAs can access the files, but neither you nor other students can see them. Running ‘handin’ will replace same-named files with each successive run.

One can now hand in their assignments using the online form:


or using the command line on the Linux machines:

handin class# Assignment# /path/to/local-file


Which machines can I access remotely?

You can access any of the machines within the CADE Lab (Linux) with ssh and NoMachine. For ssh, from a terminal window, use ‘ssh -Y username@machine.eng.utah.edu’, where username is your CADE login. The naming convention for machine is:

CADE Lab HTML5 Desktop
lab1-X (where X is any number from 1-40)
lab2-Y (where Y is any number from 1-35)

If you are using a Windows system to access these machines remotely, please use Window PowerShell, putty or see our FAQ’s on CADE Lab Remote Access.

Windows Machines:
You can not access the Engman Lab machines directly, but you may access our VMware VDI pools for a lab-machine setup.

Please see the Windows FAQ’s for more information on how to connect to the Windows system.


How do I fix a corrupted Windows profile?

Fixing your Windows Profile is not difficult, but requires that you follow several specific steps.  Doing so involves verifying that you are currently under your disk quota, renaming your current Windows Profile and then allowing Windows to generate a new Profile when logging in. Also, you can’t fix your Profile while you are logged in to any Windows lab computers, so you must log out of any Windows computers before proceeding with the following steps.

Step 1 – Login to a CADE Lab (WEB 224) Linux computer (physically/locally or remotely).

Step 2 – Check your disk quota by running the command ‘quota’ in a terminal window.  Verify that your current ‘quota’ usage is below your quota ‘limit’.  Skipping this step may cause further Profile problems and require you to repeat all of these steps.  If you are over your quota, you will need to remove old/unneeded files to get back below your quota ‘limit’.

Step 3 – Rename your current Windows Profile by running the following commands:

‘cd ~’

‘mv .win_profile.V6 OLD.win_profile.V6’

Step 4 – You can now logout of the CADE Lab Linux computer.

Step 5 – Log back in to a Windows lab computer.  If you completed the previous steps correctly Windows will generate a new Profile for you when logging back in.

Step 6 (optional) – If you notice any files are missing from My Documents or your Desktop, you can recover them by opening My Computer, navigating to X:\OLD.win_profile.V6\Desktop (or Documents) and then copying any files to your new Desktop or My Documents folders.

Step 7 (optional) – If you are sure you do not need any files from your old Profile you can delete the folder X:\OLD.win_profile.V6\ to save disk space.


How can I get wireless access in the labs?

Wireless access is now controlled campus-wide by NetCom, a division of UIT.  You can log onto their networks by following the instructions on their website, https://www.it.utah.edu/.


How do I use ssh for remote access?

If you use Mac OS X or some flavor of Linux, you already have the means to ssh in. Please see the SSH FAQ listings.

To ssh to the Linux machines with Windows (7, Vista or XP) we recommend installing an ssh client such as putty, a free download.  This will only provide command line access.  You can also try Cygwin which is available free online.  CygwinX provides an xserver, allowing you to open X windows (GUIs, java, etc.), but see the next paragraph for the best option.

The recommended way to connect to our Linux machines is NoMachine.  This provides a full GUI login, as though you were logging in to the machine in the lab.

See also which machines you can connect to here.


Where do I find the MAC/Hardware Ethernet Address of my machine (for the PCE Network Request form)?

The answer depends on what Operating System the machine is running.

On UNIX-based systems (all flavors of Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, etc…), you can either use a Terminal/X11 window and issue the command ‘ifconfig’ and the MAC follows ‘ether’ under the en0, en1 or en2 heading – typically, en0 is for Ethernet, en1 is for WiFi/Wireless, so choose the proper section.

Image 1 – Mac OS X ‘ifconfig’

On Mac OS X, the other option is to open System Preferences (under the ‘Apple’ menu) and open the ‘Network’ pane.  Choose your ‘Ethernet’ connection on the list in the left column, then click the ‘Advanced…’ button, then the ‘Hardware’ tab and provide the ‘MAC Address’.  This second method can also help you verify you’ve got the right one from the first.

Image 2 – Mac OS X System Preferences – Network – Advanced – Ethernet

On Windows Vista or 7, open a Command Prompt by going to the Start menu and clicking ‘Run…’, then enter ‘cmd’ as the command to open and press enter.  At the command prompt ‘>’, enter ‘getmac /v’ then press enter. The MAC address for your network connection will be listed in the Physical Address column. You may see more than one network device listed (as shown below).  The Connection Name for your ethernet connection will typically start with “Local Area Connection” and the Network Adapter column will typically *not* include “VPN”, “Virtual”, etc…

Windows 'getmac' command

Image 3 – Windows ‘getmac’ command


What software is available in the Labs?

Software on any given lab machine (or compute or Terminal server, virtual machine, etc.) may be different based on the OS or the intended purpose of the lab.  Not all software runs on all OS’s, and not all labs need the same software.

We update versions of the software from time to time, and may add or remove software based upon a licensing issue, compatibility with other software or hardware, a request from a professor, etc.

For these, and other reasons, we have found keeping an updated list of all lab software too cumbersome and counter-productive.  If you have a question about a particular software or package availability, check the machine you’re using, connect remotely, or contact us.


How can I mount a network shared drive to my computer?

If you are off campus, on uConnect wifi or any network outside of PCE you must first establish a connection to the Campus VPN.

On campus or from the VPN, you can mount a network share/network drive by following the instructions below for your Operating System (OS).  
Note:  In the descriptions below, replace ‘sharename’ with the share you wish to connect to. To connect to your home directory, you can replace ‘earth.coe.utah.edu’ with ‘chips.eng.utah.edu’ and ‘sharename’ with ‘home/username’ (or home\username, on Windows).

For Windows users-  open a Windows Explorer window and choose the menu ‘Tools’ :: ‘Map Network Drive.’  In the window that opens, choose a drive letter not in use, and for folder, enter the server and share name as follows:  \\earth.coe.utah.edu\sharename or \\chips.eng.utah.edu\sharename (remember, where ‘sharename’ = ‘share-you-want-to-mount’). Click the ‘Reconnect at logon’ if that’s your preference, but you must check the ‘Connect using different credentials’ box.  Click ‘Finish’ and enter your PCE username and password.

For macOS users- in the Finder, select the menu ‘Go’ :: ‘Connect to Server…’ (or cmd-K).  For the Server Address, enter smb://earth.coe.utah.edu/sharename or smb://chips.eng.utah.edu/sharename and click the ‘Connect’ button.  In the user window that appears, ensure ‘Registered User’ is selected and in the Name field enter your PCE username and password and click ‘Connect’.


Where can I get my login information, my username and password?

Whether you need to create a new account or your account already exists and you need to reset your password, try the User Tools page.

We take the security of our users very seriously and as such we will not send login information via e-mail or give it out over the phone.  If you already tried creating your account or resetting the password via the User Tools page and are having problems, please come to either the CADE (WEB L224) or Engman (WEB L210) Help Desks anytime during the week, between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm.

Please remember to bring a form of official picture ID, preferably your UCard (We will also accept drivers licences, passports, immigration cards, CPF and CFP’s, but you must know your UNID).


What if I received an e-mail to send you my username and password?

That is likely an e-mail Phishing Scam

We regularly receive alerts from users about emails that are requesting their webmail username and password. Luckily, most people realize these are scams and ignore them.  However, we would just like the reinforce the importance of not clicking on anything you believe to be dubious.

CADE will NEVER ask you for your password information.

If you receive one of these e-mails, please mark it ask SPAM/Junk or ignore it and delete it.  If you clicked a link in one or provided any login information in response, please let us know so we can help you change your passwords and protect your account.


What do I do to get my UCard to work in the lab card swipes?

The door swipes for the CADE and Engman labs are now handled by campus authentication. There is no need for you to update your card number since it is automatically pulled from campus LDAP. If you get a new UCARD, it can take up to 48 hours for you to gain access to the labs.


I deleted a file I want back – Do you have backups or snapshots available?


Snapshots of users’ home directories are taken every hour. You can access up to 23 hourly, 6 nightly, and 52 weekly snapshots of your entire home directory in the ~/.snapshot directory. Alternatively, from any subdirectory, you can go directly to .snapshot, then the timed directory you prefer.

Note: Older backups (beyond the first weekly) are available in /backup/username/.snapshot. They are moved to a different drive space to ensure their availability.

Restoring an older version of a file is as easy as copying it from a location in .snapshot to your home directory proper. You can do this graphically (with Nautilus, for example) or with the cp command.  ‘.snapshot’ is hidden (notice the preceding ‘ . ‘).  Try:  cd ~/.snapshot  from a Terminal.

Many of the hosted network shares (for departments and research groups) are also snapshotted. As above, cd to the .snapshot directory.


Can I get a student version of SolidWorks for my home computer/laptop?

SolidWorks 2024-25 is currently available for student and department installations. The version of SolidWorks available is tied to the academic calendar and new versions are typically made available to us during summer semester. After testing, we upgrade the labs in preparation for fall semester.

There are two editions of SolidWorks available, each is intended for a specific use:

The Student Premium Edition is the full version that matches the version installed in our labs feature for feature, however its license allows it to be installed on student laptops or home computers and activates directly with SolidWorks over the internet. The activation is valid for 1 year, at which point you will need to install the new version for the new academic year to continue using SolidWorks. Most students will want to install this edition of SolidWorks.

The Education Edition is intended to be installed on College of Engineering department desktops. It requires access to CADE’s network license server in order to run. So, while it can be installed on home computers, doing so requires either an active connection to the Campus VPN, or a monthly license borrowing procedure in order for the licensing to work properly. This is typically NOT the edition you want if you are installing SolidWorks on a laptop or home computer.


Installation instructions for both editions can be obtained by accessing the Solidworks folder in CADE’s UBox repository.
Log in with your CIS credentials (UNID & CIS/UMail password). If you’ve not created your UBox account, do so first.

Note:  Solidworks is a MS Windows-only program and will NOT run on (Mac) OS X or Linux distros.  One could, however, use a Windows virtual machine or emulator to run it (VirtualBox, VMWare Player/Fusion, Parallels, CrossOver, VirtaulPC, etc.)


How do I log in to the Mac’s from home?

We currently don’t allow remote access to the MGK Mac Lab (WEB L124, lab8) machines.
This has been temporarily disallowed due to security concerns.
 See the FAQ on that, if ssh works for you.

If you would like to remotely access a Mac using Screen Sharing or VNC, we are now allowing that on a per-request basis. Simply e-mail support@coe.utah.edu and supply the following details:
-Your Name
-Software you’re interested in using on the lab machine
-Course number or Prof/PI/Lab contact for research, etc.
-Time period you intend to use or need access


How can we get a group for sharing files for our project?

We would be happy to create a group for you – unfortunately, we can’t allow users to create their own. Send an e-mail to opers@eng.utah.edu with the following information:
– The group-owners UNID or CADE username
– The preferred name for the group (please keep it short, and we will likely concatenate for ease; you can use ‘groupsearch’ to see if it exists already).
– Optional: the UNID’s or CADE usernames of the other team members. The owner can modify the member list later at-will via command-line (groupmodify) or web-page (www.cade.utah.edu/groupmod).

Once we reply with the details, the group owner may use the command ‘groupmodify’ to edit the member list.
Somewhere in your home directory, create a directory and assign the group privileges using chgrp and chmod. See the man pages if you need more details.

NOTE: We also offer an SVN Repository service if multiple users could be modifying files at the same time.


How does one fix a “Firefox is already running” error on a Linux machine?

When logged in to a Linux lab machine or compute server, you may get the following error when opening Firefox:
“Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.”

This may occur even though no evidence of Firefox running can be found.
To remedy this, open a Terminal and run the command: foxlock

It’s a script we wrote that will remove the necessary files from your .mozilla folder and allow you to open Firefox once again.


What are the operating hours of the computing labs?

The student computing labs we support are generally open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Some labs, or portions thereof, are reserved for classes and should not be used by those not in the specific course during that time.

On occasion, we experience outages to network, server equipment, or even power. In the unlikely event, we make every effort to restore service as quickly as possible for all users, and will post status as soon as possible. We also reserve the right to withhold access to specific labs or services due to planned outages for upgrades, maintenance, and the like.

Be sure to subscribe to announcement method that works best for you.


Lost and Found

Lost something? Hoping it was turned in?

There are Lost & Found boxes near the Help Desks in CADE and the Engman Labs. We will no longer be receiving items, but suggesting finders place all items in the marked boxes/tables in front of the offices.

If it didn’t get turned in to us, you might check with the PCE Dean’s Office lost and found (WEB 1650) in case the custodians found it and turned it in there.

Otherwise, send an e-mail to support@coe.utah.edu and let us know what was lost and we’ll let you know if we’ve seen it.


What if I am locked out of my account?

Perhaps you have entered your password incorrectly too many times logging in to one of our Windows machines or Active Directory controlled services (Lab, mounting network shares, etc.) or are getting the following error:

“The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.”

We can unlock your account but it’s only secure if you come ask us in person. It’s difficult to verify identity through e-mail, phone, etc. You may, however, remove the lock by resetting your password via the PCE User Tools page available in the right column of our home page.

If this does not work for your situation, stop in to see the Help Desk in WEB 210 or 224 or e-mail support@coe.utah.edu.


May I access my campus desktop machine remotely?

The short answer: yes.

The longer version: If the machine has a static IP address, try connecting to that remotely. The machine must be set up to allow remote access (via ssh, Screen Sharing/VNC, Remote Desktop Protocol, etc.) and wake-on-network-access/NOT go to ‘sleep’, but if you don’t have administrator privileges on this machine, we may need to enable remote access for you (see below). We may also need to allow such a connection on the proper ports through the CoE firewall. You will need to be on the Campus VPN to reach your machine.

Connecting to a Windows machine:
– Try using MS’s Remote Desktop Assistant to configure your machine for remote access.
– On the computer you would like to connect TO, in Windows Explorer, right click on ‘Computer’, select ‘Properties’, then select ‘Remote Settings’ from the menu on the right.
– Select your user and ensure it has permission to RDC to the computer, and verify a password is set (RDC will not enable unless the user has a password, it cannot be blank).
– Get the machines IP address- open a command prompt (type “cmd” in Search and it will open) and type “ipconfig” (no ” “‘s) and it will list your IP (use the one in the form of 155.98.X.X, the wired ethernet address)
– On the computer you wish to connect FROM, open your RDC client, put in the IP address, login as the user with remote privileges and you should be connected to the current running session.

Connecting to a Mac:
– On the computer you would like to connect TO, open ‘System Preferences’ and the ‘Sharing’ pane.
– Check the ‘Screen Sharing’ or ‘Remote Management’ for general VNC access, ‘Remote Login’ for ssh access, other available as needed. Ensure you have added your user for the access level on the right.
– Get the machines IP address- click ‘Show All’/reopen System Preferences and click on ‘Network’, and find the Ethernet device in the left column, IP address will show on the right in the form 155.98.X.X.
– On the computer you wish to connect FROM, open Screen Sharing in the Finder via the ‘Go’ :: ‘Connect to Server…’. Enter the address as vnc://155.98.X.X

If you can’t get through or need help getting the machine set for remote access, send the IP and your request, plus any errors or issues you have to support@coe.utah.edu and we’ll help get you connected.


How can I create a mailing list to send to a group of people?

Rather than creating and maintaining a list of e-mail addresses for a group you mail frequently, use a mailing list service to create the list and allow users to maintain which e-mail address messages are sent to.

We used to offer a Sympa Listserve for just this purpose, but we now must point you to the UIT Sympa or Exchange mailing lists: https://uofu.service-now.com/cf/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0000547 and https://www.lists.utah.edu/

Sympa or Exchange? https://uofu.service-now.com/cf/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0001129


Can I get a MySQL database?

Yes, we have MySQL (mysql.eng.utah.edu) available for student use.

To request a database, send an e-mail to opers@eng.utah.edu and let us know you need one. We will create it and likely place a file in your home directory with the database name and your login credentials.

If you place website files in your .public_html directory, you can make calls to the db, and thus access it from anywhere via eng.utah.edu/~username.


Chrome won’t start on Windows machines, what can i do?

We’re aware of a bug with Google Chrome on our Windows OS lab machines and there’s a simple script to fix the issue for you.

Open Explorer, navigate to ‘C:\support’ and double click the “Fix – Google Chrome Won’t Start.cmd” script.

As always, let us know if any issues or if this doesn’t resolve the problem for you, support@coe.utah.edu.
